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Bree Rennie

Bree is a Sydney born and raised tattoo artist.


Bree has spent most of her life dedicating countless hours to creating art in various mediums and has an impressive range of merchandise to show for her hard work.


Bree pursued her dreams and began learning in 2014 under the mentorship of Dan Phillips. Bree enjoys tattooing imagery varying from female faces, skulls, the occult and anything Japanese inspired including anime and Ghibli. She is equal parts inspired and driven by many artists and tries to incorporate different elements of neo traditional , dot work and illustrative style to create her custom designs.


Bree is a people person and enjoys the entire creative process from the first initial consultation, to drawing the custom design, doing the tattoo and the finished piece. Tattooing for Bree is not only her most cherished form of artistic expression, but also a way of helping her clients feel themselves, help deal with hurdles in their personal life and ultimately feel truly comfortable in their own skin.

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- S Y D N E Y - 
A  U  S  T  R  A  L  I  A

101  / 27-39 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale, 2008

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